Cooking with Little Miss Ling: Burgers

Every year, when summer rolls around, I gravitate towards recipes that are quick, don’t involve me sweating over a hot stove for long periods of time, and are light enough to eat in the hot weather. Now you might not think burgers are a particularly light meal, but it’s all relative for a comfort food lover like me. =p

I made burgers yesterday and noticed that my favourite burger recipe from JustB Australia has been taken offline, so I thought I’d share my version of the recipe.


500g minced beef
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1/3 cup breadcrumbs
75g parmesan cheese, finely grated
1 egg
dried oregano
Worcestershire sauce
  1. Combine all ingredients. Add dried oregano, cumin, tabasco and Worcestershire sauce to taste. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Mix well.
  2. Rest the mixture for half an hour.
  3. Divide the mixture into 5 portions. Form each portion into a patty.
  4. Heat oil in pan over medium-high to high heat.
  5. Fry patties for 4 minutes on the first side and 3 minutes on the other side.

There’s so much flavour to these patties that I like to keep the rest of my burger quite simple. Toasted sesame hamburger bun, melted cheese, tomato, patty and lettuce, topped with tomato sauce and sriracha.


Nom nom nom!